Thursday, February 14, 2013

Friday Frills


Real women have lines, wrinkles, and flaws.

Each one earned with experience, perseverance and determination.

There’s no computer to airbrush your mistakes.

Let them make you who you are.

Love every mark, every scar and every extra curve you wished to go away.

What you deem as an imperfection is what adds to your unique beauty.

Accept what you can’t learn to love,

Then let go of what you can’t accept.

Treasure them for their memories.

Like a worn love letter or an old family heirloom from generations ago.

Each line and blemish comes with the wisdom only years of life can give.

And life is not to be hidden or covered up.

For life is how a girl grows into a woman

And real women don't conceal their flaws, they proudly embrace it.

*Author unknown, quote adapted by me. Image via Tumblr.


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